How to install Adult Apps for SviCloud TV box?

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Don't make duplicated payments with failed payments, contact the card company to authorize the payment, then try again, and then the payment will be successful. (The payment rule is can make new payments after 24 hours with 3-4 continuously failed payments)

By EVPADPro | 26 May 2023 | 0 Comments

How to install Adult Apps for SviCloud TV box?

You need to install the "CHERRY TV" App for SviCloud TV Box if you want to watch Adult channels.
Please refer to the following steps.

1. Click the "Orz" App on the main interface. (You need to install the "Orz" App if your SviCloud TV box runs for the first time)
2. Enter ""
3. Select and install the "CHERRY TV App.
4. Back to the main interface. Click Add icon. Add the "CHERRY TV" App to your custom column.

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