How To Operate The Pure Version And The Jailbreak Version of UnblockTech UBox11 TV Box?

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By EVPADPro | 13 September 2024 | 0 Comments

How To Operate The Pure Version And The Jailbreak Version of UnblockTech UBox11 TV Box?

Undoubtedly, the UnblockTech UBox11 TV box has become one of the most popular TV boxes worldwide, especially in the US, Canada, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Australia, and Europe. People would ask what the difference is between the pure version and the jailbreak version of the UnblockTech UBox11 TV box. We'll explain the differences and tell you how to operate it to get the best streaming.

The pure version means the TV box comes empty and it's completely up to the users to download what Apps they want. This makes it a worldwide legal product. 

How To Operate The Pure Version And The Jailbreak Version of UnblockTech UBox11 TV Box?

The jailbreak version means you can use a VPN and access TV programs from mainland China. Below are steps on how to do it.

How To Operate The Pure Version And The Jailbreak Version of UnblockTech UBox11 TV Box?

First, please find the App UB Tunnel, it's default open, so you need to turn it off first. Then press Update. After updating, turn it back on, now you're free to watch TV programs from the mainland of China.

How To Operate The Pure Version And The Jailbreak Version of UnblockTech UBox11 TV Box?

How To Operate The Pure Version And The Jailbreak Version of UnblockTech UBox11 TV Box?

How To Operate The Pure Version And The Jailbreak Version of UnblockTech UBox11 TV Box?

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